How to Know if You Are Attractive
You might be wondering if other people find you attractive. Even if you think you are attractive, it’s normal to wonder if other people look at you the same way. Not everyone has the same opinion on what it means to be attractive, but most people can agree on a few qualities you need to possess to be considered good looking.
Keep reading to find out how you can determine if you are attractive.
Attraction Based on Personality vs Physical Attraction

There are 2 kinds of attraction: attraction based on personality and physical attraction. It’s common for physical attraction to be the first thing that catches someone’s eye, but it’s not the only kind of attraction that should be noticed.
For someone to truly think you’re attractive, it’s crucial to be attractive on the inside. Getting told you’re extremely nice and considerate is just as important as receiving compliments about your hair or body.
Signs You Are Attractive

1. Your friends make you start conversations.
Your friends use you as the person who gets them in with another group or invites them to cool things. It’s because you’re the most attractive person in the friend group, and if it works and you actually get them what they want, it probably means other people find you to be good looking too.
Don’t get annoyed at your friends for always making you the one to initiate conversations with strangers, and take it as a compliment instead. People are simply more likely to want to talk to you if you’re a total stranger, if you’re attractive.
2. Friends mention it.
This is the most obvious sign that you’re attractive. They’re not telling you how good looking you are just to be nice, they actually think you’re good looking, because you are. Sometimes friends can sugarcoat how something looks on you, but if they keep telling you over and over again that they think you’re attractive, it’s because you are. Believe them when they say you’re attractive.
3. People of the opposite gender typically smile at you when staring at them.
If you spot someone cute across the room, you’re probably going to stare at them because you find them attractive. If you get a positive reaction from them, like a smile, they also think you’re attractive.
4. Strangers of the opposite gender typically find excuses to talk to you.
Remember how you act when you think someone else is attractive. You probably try to find an excuse to approach that person and strike up a conversation. When someone else finds you attractive, they’re going to do the same thing. The response to finding someone attractive is universal.
So if you’re ever in doubt about whether or not someone thinks you’re attractive, ask yourself how you would be acting around them if you thought they were good looking, and check to see if that’s how they’re acting around you too.
5. You most likely have more friendships than others.
Attractive people tend to be popular amongst their friends. It’s common for others to want to surround themselves with things they like, or pretty things. Remember, being attractive isn’t only based on your appearance, your personality can play a role in how attractive someone finds you as well. So if you have a lot of friends, you are probably attractive inside and out.
6. You care about your appearance.
This isn’t a sign of attractiveness, but you’re likely an attractive person because you normally take care of your appearance, which helps make you attractive. Even the most beautiful people need to put some effort into their appearance to look good.
Caring about your appearance when you already have natural beauty will just make you look better. If you’re someone who likes to present themselves as a clean, well-dressed person, you’re probably very attractive.
7. You notice people staring at you.
People stare at you because you catch their attention because of how good-looking you are. You don’t have something on your face, they’re admiring you, and they’re very attracted to you, so they want to look at you.
If you’re someone who gets self-conscious, don’t let this intimidate you. Instead, embrace the staring and take it as an opportunity to go after who you like best from those staring at you.
8. You get a lot of compliments.
You get a lot of compliments because your good looks and amazing personality deserve all the compliments. You’re an attractive person, and people notice and admire that about you.
9. You get asked out a lot.
People who aren’t attractive have a hard time getting asked out. They might even have difficulties asking others out as well. But if you’re someone who is attractive, you’re never going to have any issues with that, and you’re going to get asked out very frequently by all kinds of people.
10. People get nervous around you.
Check and see if the person you’re talking to is blushing, or shows signs of being flustered. They might be intimidated by your good looks and get nervous about talking to you. Attractive people tend to cause this effect on others.
11. You don’t lack self-confidence.
Attractive people rarely have self-esteem issues. They are usually very confident in themselves, knowing what they want and how to go after it. This quality in itself adds to the attraction based on personality. A confident person will always be attractive.
12. People ask you to dance when you’re out.
If you always have people come up to you when you go out, and ask you to dance, you’re probably very attractive. People want to try to land the most attractive person at the club, and if you have a lot of people trying to dance with you, it’s because you’re one of the most attractive people there.
13. You’re kind and charismatic.
Because attractiveness isn’t solely based on physical appearance, it’s important to remember that being kind and charismatic can make you extremely attractive. If you’re a horrible, mean person, no one will find you truly attractive, no matter how much physical attraction you have.
Who you are on the inside can quickly outweigh who you are on the outside. So, having a kind and charismatic personality can definitely be a sign that you are attractive.
14. You’re treated differently.
You might feel like you get VIP treatment sometimes, and you’re not sure why. Your good looks get you a lot of perks because people want to please you, and they think maybe they’ll get lucky too.
- Can anyone be attractive? Yes. Certain people can be more attractive than others, but someone might find you more attractive for a specific reason that others don’t see. Some people are attracted to specific qualities, and if you don’t have those, it doesn’t matter how attractive you are to others; you won’t be attractive to that person. Attraction depends on personal preference as much as on actual attraction.
- Is being attractive only based on physical appearance? No. Initially, yes. How you look is how you’d be initially defined as attractive, but then, your personality, knowledge, and even finances might be the attractiveness that some people look for. Try not to get caught up on only being a good-looking person, and make sure your personality is also attractive, or else you won’t get too far.
- Can you become more attractive? Yes. If you want to become more attractive, you can certainly do so. You can change certain aspects of yourself to fit the likes of the person you’re trying to impress and become more attractive to them that way.
- How to be more attractive? First, figure out what you want to improve, and then start tackling those things little by little. If you think you need to be more fit, start exercising more regularly, perhaps get a haircut, or go shopping for new clothes that fit the style you want to show off. Use all of these things in your favor to make you better looking, and also look within to see what you can improve personality-wise.
- Can attractive people have low self-esteem? Yes. Attractive people don’t typically have low self-esteem, but it’s not impossible. Even the prettiest people sometimes suffer from low self-esteem, especially if they struggle to recognize their attractiveness.
Although attractive people don’t tend to lack self-confidence, it can be hard for them to become aware that they’re attractive. This could be because they have a lot of attractive people in their lives as well, or simply because they are humble.
It’s important to be humble when you’re attractive and not brag about how good-looking you are to other people, or else that takes away from your attractive personality. So, if you’re trying to figure out if you are attractive, ask yourself if you consider yourself a good person, and go through the checklist we included above.
This article was written and published by Diego Scheng on July 17th, 2023 and includes relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.