Diego Scheng
Backend Developer
- Date joined: August 17th, 2017
- Latest blog post: July 17th, 2023
- Email: diego.scheng@phonesexchat.com
About Diego Scheng
Diego Scheng is a backend developer from Washington State, working full-time at Phone Sex Chat. He earned his bachelor's degree in software engineering from Western Governors University in Washington. Diego brings extensive experience as a backend developer from various telecom companies across the U.S. and currently oversees the backend infrastructure at Phone Sex Chat.
Utilizing Twilio, he manages and adjusts phone line flows, addresses customer bug reports, and develops and updates web and phone line functionalities, ensuring the general reliability of our services. Known for his perfectionistic personality, Diego consistently stays ahead in implementing changes that major corporations are just beginning to adopt in their backend infrastructures.
His comprehensive knowledge of web and VoIP technologies make him an invaluable member of our team. In his free time, Diego enjoys reading, experimenting with the latest software and cloud services, watching European soccer with friends, and playing guitar with his band.
Diego's Professional Profile:
- Role: Backend Developer.
- Role Focus: Ensures reliable service for the phone lines, and develops and updates web and phone line services.
- Interests: Reading and experimenting with the latest software and services offered in the tech industry, watching soccer, and playing guitar.
- Academic Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering from Western Governors University in Kent, Washington.
Published Blog Posts (7)
Blog posts written by Diego Scheng on our platform.

Diego Scheng: Curious if you're attractive to other people? Find out whether you're considered an attractive person by looking out for the signs we mention.
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Diego Scheng: When you are a more approachable person, you will be easier to talk to. Discover what to and not to do to become a more approachable person today.
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Diego Scheng: The best 11 ways to clear your mind like trying breathing exercises, meditation, going on a walk, and more, as well as reasons why you should do so.
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Diego Scheng: Discover how to argue, the types of arguments, and which arguments are healthy to share and overcome with your partner to improve your relationship.
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Diego Scheng: 18 Relationship deal breakers to be aware of when you've been in a relationship for a while, such as being selfish, having anger issues, or cheating.
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Diego Scheng: Learn how to stop thinking about someone. These are the 10 best ways to get that person out of your mind and find other distractions to keep busy.
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Diego Scheng: Does he like you? Discover how to tell if he loves you by going through our signs, methods, and reasons why he doesn't say anything about it.
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