Love At First Sight
When you experience love at first sight, it’s an instant connection. You don’t know how to explain what you’re feeling, and it’s even harder to explain because you know these are feelings that usually take time to develop and typically don’t happen this quickly. You literally feel in love with this person right away, even if you’ve just met them.
Is Love at First Sight Real or Possible?
Yes, love at first sight is real, however, it’s not something that happens to everyone, and it’s not something that happens frequently. Usually, to fall in love, you have to hit it off with someone and want to get to know them, and then over time, you will develop deeper feelings for that person.
However, when it’s love at first sight, there is no need to have an initial attraction and curiosity for that person because, instead, there is an instant connection.
You need to remember that it isn’t something everyone experiences and that just because it has not happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It’s a very rare occurrence, and it’s very special when it does happen.
Can Love at First Sight Relationships Be Successful?

Not all love at first sight relationships will be successful, just like not all relationships are successful, but they can be. It all depends on if the ‘love’ you felt in the beginning was based on connection or attraction.
If that immediate feeling of being in love was more than just attraction, and you felt a connection with the other person, something unlike anything you’ve ever felt, then there is a very good chance that your relationship will last.
However, if you are confused about what was just a strong attraction with love at first sight, your relationship might simmer out rather quickly. Don’t feel discouraged if you make that mistake. When you’re blown away by someone due to attractiveness or connection, it’s difficult to think clearly.
10 Signs That You’re Experiencing Love at First Sight

1. You don’t want to say goodbye without getting her number.
Let’s say that you just met a very pretty girl when you were out at a bar, and you got a chance to talk to her and hit it off immediately. You had a lot in common with her and felt a strong connection, almost like you’ve known her your whole life; however, that’s not the case. You’ve been talking for a while, and the night is ending, and you don’t want to let her get away.
This is because you are likely experiencing love at first sight. You don’t want to get her number just so you can hook up with her later. You want to keep talking to her and see if there could be something there or if she feels the same way.
2. You catch yourself staring at her for no reason.
With other girls you’ve felt even a slight connection with, you just glance over at them to check them out, but there’s not a lot going on there. You don’t feel the urge to glance over at her over and over again, just once is enough.
However, when it’s love at first sight, you are going to feel like she is a magnet, and you can’t take your eyes off her. She might even notice that you’re staring a little too much, but if it’s love at first sight, she’ll likely be staring too, and your eyes will meet for an even deeper feeling of love at first sight.
3. You start feeling butterflies.
Even before approaching her, you feel butterflies. Perhaps as an adult, this is a feeling you don’t get all that often, and it’s something you recall feeling with your first crush as a teenager, but when it’s love at first sight, you’re going to get those flutters in your stomach.
Especially if you’ve already exchanged glances, and maybe even talked to her briefly at some point, this might even be a feeling that doesn’t go away immediately, even once you’ve connected.
You could feel this time and time again throughout your relationship with her when special things are happening or you’re accomplishing relationship milestones together. This is something that doesn’t happen in all relationships, but it does when it’s one that started as love at first sight.
4. You can’t stop thinking about her.
She is constantly on your mind. When you wake up, she’s all you can think about, and she’s the first person you want to text or call for a bit so that you feel like you started your morning off right.
She’s the person you’ll randomly think about multiple times throughout the day because you saw something that reminded you of her, not once or twice, but over and over again.
Even when you’re not talking to her, you’re thinking about her, and it might even be difficult to focus on the things you need to get done because she’s always on your mind.
5. You feel an undeniable attraction for her.
When it’s not love at first sight, you will find yourself weighing the pros and cons, trying to figure out what you and her can connect with and what your major differences are, amongst other things. In this case, it won’t be an instant attraction, but when it’s love at first sight, it’s the complete opposite.
Attraction isn’t just physical, it can be emotional too, and you’ll need to feel both types of attraction in a relationship, including if it’s love at first sight.
6. You feel like you already know her.
When you experience love at first sight, you don’t feel the same need to get to know her that you usually do. This is a different type of connection and attraction. As you talk to her, even if it’s just for a little bit, you feel like you’ve known her for years.
You feel like you’ve been friends before, maybe in a past life, and you almost think for a moment that she just reminds you of someone else, but when you really think about it, she doesn’t. For some inexplicable reason, you just feel like you’ve known her forever, and your chemistry with her also adds to that feeling.
7. You feel like you can trust her.
Because it’s love at first sight, you have to remember that you don’t really know her. Maybe you’ve talked to her one other time before feeling this instant connection, but you don’t know her well enough to trust her. Despite not having a valid reason to trust her, you do, and you can’t really explain why.
This is because it’s love at first sight, and you already feel like you know her and her values, and yours align with hers, allowing you to trust her as if you did know her.
8. You want to get to know her more.
You cannot wait to get to know her more, to see her again, and to keep spending time with her growing your connection with one another. Because you can’t get her off your mind, all you want to do is spend time with her and talk to her more.
9. You feel love drunk.
The feeling she causes in you gives you a high, unlike any other. She makes you feel insanely happy and like everything is right in the world, even if it’s not. You’re drunk off of the love you feel for her.
This usually happens in the beginning stages of normal relationships, but once the relationship has been established and you’re happy that you are official, or after you tell her you to love her for the first time. However, if you’re already feeling this and you’re not even together, it’s because you’re experiencing love at first sight.
10. You can be yourself around her.
When getting to know someone, you usually put on your best attitude, avoid embarrassing yourself, and bring out the best you have to offer so that she will like you. In reality, you’re not always like that, you have highs and lows, and you might occasionally embarrass yourself because no one is perfect.
When it’s love at first sight, you don’t feel like you need to put on a show or try too hard to be perfect, you just act how you normally would, and you’re completely yourself.
In conclusion, love at first sight isn’t common, and it’s not something you’ll always experience. You might experience it once or twice in your life. Although it can be a magical feeling to find love at first sight, it doesn’t mean that other relationships can’t have connections just as strong as love at first sight relationships; it just takes a little more time and effort to get there. Don’t think your love isn’t as important just because it wasn’t love at first sight.
This article was written and published by Anna Salvatore on January 2nd, 2023 and includes relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.