Saggy Balls: Causes and Treatments for Your Saggy Balls
As if it’s not hard enough to worry about your penis size, length, and width, but with the world becoming so open and the internet so in tune with our everyday lives, you now have to worry about your balls and what they look like.
While we can promise you that you aren’t going to get laid or not laid solely because of what type of balls you’re sporting, there could sometimes still be questions or issues that arise on account of them being saggy.
Much like women have to worry about every little part of them and what they look like, we’ve now reached a point in society where men are caring a lot more about every inch of their body. This includes high and low balls, and we aren’t talking pool.
So, what are saggy balls and what even makes them saggy in the first place? What do women really think about them? Are there any health benefits you should worry about? Don’t worry – we’ve got all your questions about your saggy balls covered.
What You Need to Know About Having Saggy Balls

What Are They?

Put simply, having saggy balls literally means that your two baseballs that lie with your baseball bat hang pretty low. The average testicles are about 2-3 inches in length and 1 inch in length, as long as you’re not too cold or not too hot.
That being said, the temperature outside or in the house can make your balls change size depending on if they are cold trying to tuck in and retain heat or not.
Never try to prove how big your balls are on a cold day, and on the flip side, never try to explain how nice yours look if it’s 90 degrees in the middle of July.
It’s also super normal to experience a change in size before puberty, during puberty, and then of course afterward. It also depends on your size and age, genes, hereditary factors, and much more.
So before you go blaming yourself for having droopy speedbags, it could have been your grandfathers’ saggy balls that you have now taken in as your own.
What Causes Them?

We spoke a little on how genetics plays a part in the size of your testicles, and of course, how puberty and the weather also have an effect on them. But there are some actually more well-known causes than those for having saggy testicles.
Aging and even just growing up can make your balls change shape, which is pretty neat considering those are the only balls ever recorded to change their shape.
Seriously though, growing older can cause your sack to shrink or shrivel or droop lower than usual. It’s just something that is bound to happen with age.
Another reason you could have saggy balls could actually be associated with masturbation, but maybe not the kind you’re thinking about.
We’re talking about tugging, yes, tugging your testicles. This is some type of turn-on for some men but too much of it has also resulted in saggy sack syndrome, so, tug wisely.
Are There Health Concerns Associated With Them?

Unfortunately, there are a few health concerns associated with droopy testicles, so it might be time to pay a visit to a doctor if something seems off. Here are some health issues you might want to ask about if you notice you’re hanging lower than usual.
- Varicoceles – this is basically when your veins inside of your scrotum become enlarged and can cause pain within. This happens due to a backflow of blood which causes your veins to become engorged, and can even cause movement in there.
In fact, those who suffer from this painful phenomenon say that it can sometimes feel as if they have a “bag of worms” down there due to the veins moving around.
We feel bad for anyone who suffers from this and hope that you get medical treatment and a cure ASAP.
- Heart disease – believe it or not, the luteinizing hormone that produces testosterone can be linked to heart disease. Those with a bigger sack are generally more prone to developing heart disease simply because they have bigger kahunas.
We urge anyone with saggy or larger balls, healthy or not, to go ahead and get checked the moment they can.
- Scrotal hernia – a scrotal hernia can actually be the cause of those low hanging bags, rather than becoming an issue because you have them like the others.
- This means that your bad boys might be hanging low because of a scrotal hernia, so if you noticed they never were this low before, it’s time to see a doctor.
Symptoms of a scrotal hernia can include swelling around your testicles, bulge around the pelvic area, or pressure and heavy sensation in the groin area.
- Cancer – be very mindful of the way your balls look and feel, any lump at all can be an indication of testicular cancer (or any cancer for that matter) so be sure to perform testicular exams as often as you can, and of course, consult a doctor if you feel it’s serious.
Why Do Guys Hate Saggy Balls So Much?

Besides the possible health concerns due to having low balls, there are hundreds of reasons men don’t like them or want them in their lives. From their looks to their insecurities, to personal reasons – here are some of the major reasons men can’t stand their low ballers.
- They’re worried about what their girl will think of them.The beholders already think they’re ugly, so they just know their girlfriend is going to think they’re ugly too. Newsflash guys: balls are ugly no matter how good they look! And if a girl says she doesn’t want to be with you because your balls are too big, tell her that her boobs are too small. Just be prepared for a slap in the face – possibly.
- They touch the toilet water when you sit down.Sadly, sitting down on the toilet to do a number two for a dude with bigger kahunas can be more of a problem than it should be. Guys say ‘that it “really sucks” when you’re trying to use a public restroom and you feel the nasty toilet water grazing the edge of your nuts’. Um, can someone pass the ball sanitizer?
- In fact, they can even get in the way of just sitting there.Strangely enough, having saggy balls can also get in the way when you simply just go to sit down. This means that pretty much any activity and non-activity is going to pose a problem if it involves your balls getting in the way. Men all over the world have come up with some pretty clever ways to tuck their nuts in when going into places to sit down for a while, or if they’re running or going hunting. Sadly, they say it’s pretty hard to concentrate on much of anything when you’re always sitting on your precious gems.
- It gets super sweaty down there.Men with larger units have also reported sweating far too much down there and this actually comes from having saggier balls than normal. It’s inevitable too, so if you have sagging there, be prepared to sweat – a lot.
- They make your penis look smaller.Even though it doesn’t make your penis smaller, they can make your penis looksmaller compared to the sagginess. The appearance alone can make a man lose confidence about himself with the quickness, so it’s understandable that this would be a big reason to hate lower hanging balls.
Do Women Really Care About Your Saggy Balls?

To put it bluntly, not really. Chances are she hates your balls already and doesn’t really want much to do with them anyway, so having saggy balls might actually put her at ease knowing that she might not have to play with them as often as you might like her to.
You might find some women who will analyze and question every bump and tick in your skin, but the majority of women already hate the way they look already and will feel like your saggy balls are doing her a huge favor by not having to be shown – or touched.
Let’s put it this way, women are typically already turned off by your sack so I’m sure that having saggy balls won’t make her think much differently. Just as long as you’re clean down there, she probably won’t even think twice about what they look like.
The Lowdown on How Women Feel About Balls During Sex

No, not all women are alike, so you are going to find some that say saggy balls slapping against their ass during sex is painful and/or something they just don’t like. However, I think more than half of women would say either they liked it or they didn’t care either way.
It’s actually not a bad feeling (and is actually quite sexy) to have a man’s junk spanking you from behind while you do the ‘deed’ and some even get off to the feeling of this. So if you find yourself a freak in the sheets, chances are she won’t mind the feeling of your junk spanking her ass on any day.
Treatments and Exercises for Saggy Balls

There aren’t many treatments for just saggy balls in general, it’s going to depend very much on your condition and what exactly needs to be done to fix that specific condition. But for sagginess in general, you don’t have many treatment options.
One of the only options you may have is a surgical procedure of some sort, mainly either Scrotoplasty or a scrotal reduction. Both will have you under the knife, taking time to recover afterward.
While there aren’t many treatment methods for just saggy balls, there are still other things you could do besides plastic surgery that will help you to get back on your feet.

- Kegel Exercises – Try out these specific kegel exercises for men and minimize the sagginess in your sack. Doing this for just five minutes per day will do the trick!
- Hold Urethra Muscles and Pull Down on Your Junk – Try massaging your testicles while doing this, this is going to help reduce that sagginess
- Lift Your Scrotum Up Towards Your Stomach. The proper way of performing this exercise is making sure your penis touches your stomach. This should be done for about six minutes per day.
- On the Flip Side, You Can Also Pull Down on Your Balls. A simple tug downwards on your body and you’ll activate your PC muscles. Five minutes of this per day and you’ll be hanging a little more normal than usual.
Prevention of Saggy Balls (Myths Debunked)

Much like any other health war, we fight against daily, there are ways of prevention that you can take heed to, to hopefully stop the war before it starts.
Prevention Methods

While there aren’t really any step-by-step methods to follow, you can know exactly what causes the problems and try to steer clear away from those things.
- Keep your skin healthy at all costs, and by all means.
- Drink lots of water, 64 ounces per day to be exact
- Get those exercises in
- Get lots of Vitamins (A, B, C, and E) and Omega-3
- Moisturize your skin (preferably with organic lotion)
- Limit your alcohol, cigarette, and drug intake
Ball Myths Debunked

Over the years I’m sure you’ve heard just as many myths to preventing or curing saggy ball syndrome as we have, but we’re here to set the record straight just in case you were banking on one of these to cure you and your low ballers.
- Wearing Tight Underwear – while they don’t feel so low while you have on “tighty whities”, the truth is they are only not sagging because your underwear is too tight. Take off those undies and you’ll be back to hanging low again.
- Using Cremes to Take the Sagginess Away – moisturizing your skin daily is sure to help your skin, but it’s not enough to cure the sagginess.
- Less Masturbation – fellas you’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to stop jerking off on a daily to that dirty online porn you love so much.
We Say “Go Balls to the Wall”

When it comes to saggy balls, small balls, large balls, and all the balls in between – we say to learn to love them.
Unless it’s going to cause you some health issue or scare, we say let your balls hang low and anyone who doesn’t like it can find someone with little ones!
This article was originally created and published by Lucas Rodriguez on February 1st, 2020, and updated on February 18th, 2024, to include up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.