How to Make Her Miss You
At the beginning of a blossoming romantic relationship, partners prefer having intimate moments to being apart. This is because love is a pack of emotions that entails compassion, nearness, attraction, and protectiveness.
However, even in moments of intimacy, lovebirds still worry about the day when they’ll no longer yearn for each other’s company. According to researchers, 90% of partners nurse this insecurity or paranoia.
So how do you ensure you’re not heading to a breakup after the end of what relationship experts refer to as the honeymoon stage.
The following crucial and healthy ways to make your woman miss you without trying so hard will help you sustain the magic in your relationship longer than it happens in an average relationship.
“Moreover, these strategies will help enhance the bond you share,” says psychotherapist Andrew Luck.
See the effective ways to make her miss you below:
1. Inspire Her Laughter.
How you make someone feel when you’re not around is strongly tied to how you make them feel when you’re together.
“Most women miss the men who make them constantly laugh than the one who usually buys them fancy gifts. This is because laughter stimulates healthy physical and emotional transformations in the body,” says psychotherapist Andrew Luck.
While your roses, chocolates, or cash gifts would make her smile all day, the laughter you inspire in her would be something she can psychologically hold on to in your absence.
To make her laugh ensure you keep the atmosphere relaxed, and fun. Avoid saying silly things that she may consider offensive or rude and be very careful with the use of sarcasm. Additionally, you can make jokes about yourself or narrate a funny event you experienced.
You can also utilize puns to crack her ribs. Puns are a sort of wordplay that would cause her to pay attention to an interesting phrase targeted to make her laugh. If she likes a particular subject, you can make a pun out of it.
For instance, if you see a person using the stairs, you can say, stairs aren’t my thing because they’re usually up to something. Catch the drift?
2. Surprising Gifts.

While we said jokes are a more effective way of making her miss you than the constant habit of gifting her, it still doesn’t erase the value of the latter in causing the same psychological reaction. The trick is in surprising her with them rather than showering her.
“Don’t go buying her a surprise gift just because you messed up. That won’t be as effective as buying her a gift on a normal day,” says relationship expert Hills Jay.
Out-of-the-blue gifts don’t have to be expensive, simply make them creative. If she mentioned a movie she looks forward to, you can get a ticket for her or you two for the weekend and mail it to her.
If you see she’s got a pet, you can buy her a pet carrier. This kind of gesture wouldn’t only be sweet of you but very thoughtful. That’s the kind of guys ladies miss when they’re not around.
3. Introduce Her to New Activities and Habits.
“It’s easier to miss the guy who made her have her first skydiving experience or savor unfamiliar Chinese cuisine than the man who only accompanied her to her favorite places,” says Jacqueline Hope, a clinical therapist.
Disrupt her routine by introducing new and healthy habits into her daily activities. For instance, if she isn’t one to practice exercising or water therapy, you can help her like this activity by planning one with her. This wouldn’t just make her keep fit but will be a constant reminder of you when you’re miles apart.
4. Don’t Unravel Yourself Completely.
You can easily spark new flames in your relationship if you reserve some details about your life to yourself at the onset of your romance.
“However, this isn’t to say you should be secretive but instead taking it one day at a time,” says Floyd Hook, author of My Woman Misses me Even When I’m There.
Moreover, divulging all there is about you in one fell swoop may leave her believing there’s nothing more to you than you’ve let her in on. The trick is to make her crave to uncover different sides of you.
5. Don’t Be in Her Face Always.
Sure, being couple goals could mean going out to places together, communicating frequently, and even wearing matching outfits. However, to make her miss you, give her some space to yearn for your presence.
Don’t hold dates every night. Once a week is a great idea. Send her a romantic text once at work as opposed to every 30 minutes. This strategy will make her want to experience you more.
“Besides, including yourself in everything she does may appear as stalking which may appear psychopathic and therefore a turn-off,” Brenda Life, author of Making Your Woman Want You.
Instead, respect her boundary, as this will make her desire ways to make you jealous, so you chase her.
6. Create Special Moments Together.
It’s the occasional extraordinary moments you create together as a couple that will leave her missing you when you’re not doing this.
So, figure out some unusual romantic activities you can engage in like traveling for a getaway, going to her favorite concert, eating in a fancy restaurant, marking her birthday with a dream acquisition. These unforeseeable activities will cause her to long for more special moments with you.
7. Don’t Be Too Demanding.
“Wanting her attention and everything else in the right proportion is the best way to make her miss you more. Contrarily a show of desperation will make her distance herself from you even in the absence of a pandemic,” says Julia Roberts a New York relationship coach.
Therefore, apply caution on the number of times you request video calls in a day or even ask for cuddles and kisses.
8. Don’t Move Too Fast.
“At the start of a genuine relationship, guys are tempted to take their relationship to the next level as soon as possible. This behavior rubs off on girls as been too available, thereby making them lose interest in barely three months,” says Tristan Jones, a relationship therapist.
Learn to enjoy each stage of your relationship instead of moving too fast. Take your time in knowing her, building something real before talking about the future. This tip will make her look forward to the next stage of your partnership.
9. Meet With Your Friends and Family Without Her.
Most girls would love to know what their men are doing when they go out with friends and family without them. This shows how much they want to be part of your life. So the smart thing for you to do if you want her to miss you is to organize some night out with your male friends or attend some family dinner without her.
By keeping her out of this fun activity, she will be preoccupied with your thought while you bond with your family and friends.
10. Travel Alone.
“Even kids long for their parents when they have to pack few bags away from home. Traveling by your lonesome in a romantic relationship is a great way to build excitement and resuscitate your romance,” says intimacy therapist Sansa Harvey.
Even if your trip takes only 24 hours or a few days, being apart will create an urge in her to see you and learn to appreciate all that you mean to her. This pointer will not only make her miss you but to see your value.
11. Be Valuable.
“Missing someone you love doesn’t merely come from traveling miles away. The secret lies in being valuable enough to be irreplaceable,” says Dr. Thomas Write, a 56-year-old relationship expert.
Therefore, learn to bring value to her life by helping her improve her personality, supporting her career, and being emotionally available. Exhibiting this exceptional quality will make her fear the thought of losing you.
12. Take Necessary Break.
“Relationship also experiences it’s up and down like the stock market, so it’s important to know when to take a break,” says Miami-based relationship coach Linda Brooke.
Fine, you don’t want to give up on each other but focusing on maintaining a relationship when what’s left is long hours of back and forth is equivalent to creating resentment. Instead, take a break from your relationship to have moments of epiphany that’ll help you appreciate your individual strength and create room to miss the good time you shared.
No doubt, your comeback will be a hit.
There’s no way using the first point to the last of this article won’t make her long for your company even when you’ve just been a few minutes away from her. We advise that you don’t take these strategies overboard.
Besides, being moderate is the key to avoid an unexpected negative reaction. Since no woman wants to have a man who doesn’t give her his attention, always remember that.
This article was originally created and published by Leonard Smith on July 28th, 2021 and includes up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.