How to Be a Gentleman
There are many qualities a man must possess to be considered a gentleman. There isn’t just one thing a man can do to be considered a gentleman. It is a combination of many traits that will define him as a gentleman. Read more below to learn what those qualities are and how to become a gentleman in 3 simple steps.
What Qualities Make a Man a Gentleman?

1. He is discreet.
A gentleman knows not to share anything you may share with him that could be deemed private information. He isn’t going to go around gossiping with the people he knows. He understands the importance of keeping things between just you and him, and he knows to be discreet.
2. He is a hard worker.
If he’s a gentleman, he will understand the value of hard work. He doesn’t expect to have everything handed to him, and he knows he must work for what he wants. He has work-related ambitions, and he isn’t sitting around waiting for opportunities to pop up out of thin air, he seeks opportunities.
3. He is helpful.
Gentlemen always want to go out of their way to help you in any way they can. They’ll go the extra mile for you so things can be easier for you or make you more comfortable. Some examples of this are picking you up to go on a date instead of having you meet him there and taking you home afterward, offering to help you run errands if you have too much going on that day, etc.
4. He is not arrogant.
A true gentleman puts his ego aside and is not arrogant. He thinks highly of himself but knows to be humble, and he doesn’t let his self-confidence get to his head. You’ll never catch him being snobby or thinking he’s better than anyone else.
5. He puts others before himself.
Being a gentleman means worrying about others before you worry about yourself. He makes sure those around him are taken care of and feel comfortable before focusing on his own needs and comfort. He goes out of his way to ensure everyone is content, and he’ll do whatever it takes so that you’re happy before he is concerned with his well-being.
Although this may seem like a negative quality, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about himself or compromises all of his wants and needs so that you get what you want. It just means that he is concerned about you first.
6. He never makes you wait.
A gentleman will never keep you waiting. He shows up on time and is a man of his word. He knows the importance of being on time and doing what he says he’s going to do in the appropriate time frame. You’ll never find yourself waiting around if the guy you’re going out with is really a gentleman.
7. He is chivalrous.
A gentleman is honest, kind, and courteous, some of the qualities that make up a chivalrous person. He is straightforward with you despite what that may cause, he is always kind to you and those around him, and above all, he is extremely polite and courteous at all times.
8. He doesn’t lie.
Gentlemen know the importance of honesty. They don’t have anything to hide, and if they make a mistake, they know it is important to come forward and tell the truth about it. They know you value their honesty, so they will never lie.
9. He never makes you cry.
Sometimes men don’t care about women’s feelings or how sensitive they can be. A true gentleman will never make you cry because he is conscious of the consequences his words and actions can have on you if they are negative.
Although sometimes difficult things need to say, he knows how to say them nicely and with a good tone so that you don’t cry despite hearing something sad or disappointing.
10. He always presents himself well.
He cares about how others view him, and although you should judge someone by how they look, he knows that presenting himself in a positive way can make a great impact. He does his best to be clean and tight with his appearance.
How to Be a Gentleman

Now that you know some of the qualities a gentleman has, combine them with the following steps to become a true gentleman.
1. Always look presentable.
Dress well.
To dress well, you don’t have to have the most expensive clothing or purchase name-brand pieces. Dressing well means making sure your clothing matches, wearing things that are clean, avoiding stains, and ironing your clothing before wearing it. These things, although they may seem small and not noticeable, make a difference in your appearance.
Have good hygiene.
Make sure you practice good hygiene to be considered a gentleman. Shower at least before going out to see other people, make sure you have clean and neat hair and do your best to smell nice.
Keep a good public image.
Aside from dressing well and having good hygiene, make sure the way you carry yourself in public is also positive. Avoid looking sloppy, ensure good posture, and carry yourself the way you imagine a gentleman would.
2. Be polite.
Watch your language.
One thing is to speak in a casual way, and another is to speak using curse words. No one wants to hear you speak using curse words, it just doesn’t sound nice, and it isn’t polite. Watch your language when speaking, even to your closest friends.
If you’re only careful when speaking to people you don’t see as much, and you might accidentally curse because you got used to speaking that way. It’s best to avoid it all together.
Don’t be rude.
Dont’ be rude, even if you don’t agree with something. It’s okay not to have the same opinion as someone else, and it’s okay to disagree with them. However, you need to do so in a polite way. Share your opinion without judging them for theirs. Even if they’re not nice to you because you don’t agree with them, you should still be nice to them.
Avoid talking about yourself too much.
If you speak about yourself too much, you could come off as self-centered or arrogant, and other people may get bored talking to you. To avoid that happening, don’t talk about yourself so much and make sure to ask the other people you are interacting with about themselves too.
Don’t talk about controversial topics.
It’s best to avoid controversial topics altogether. Sometimes things can get out of hand when discussing controversial things because people want to defend what they think and are not even willing to listen to another opinion. To avoid bad blood between you and someone else, simply don’t talk about controversial topics.
3. Be courteous with the women you encounter.
Open the door for her.
Although this may seem simple, a woman will always appreciate you opening the door for her. This might even be something you automatically do without thinking about it, but if it’s not, it’s a small gesture that goes a long way.
Pull out her chair before she sits down.
This is something that may be less common nowadays compared to opening the door for her. Try to pull out her chair for her whenever you can, so she can really notice how much of a gentleman you are.
Offer to treat her to dinner on your first date.
Although you shouldn’t be expected to pay for every single outing, it’s a nice gesture to offer to pay for dinner on the first or first few dates. Aside from making her think you are a gentleman, she’ll feel that you are really interested in her now that you have invested time and money into spending a nice time with her.
Respect her.
Above all, the best thing you can do is respect her. A true gentleman is always respectful no matter who he is with. Showing respect is a basic quality all men should have, but especially a gentleman.
All in all.
When you hear the word ‘gentleman’, you might feel overwhelmed at the idea of becoming one. But if you classify yourself as a good or decent person, chances are you are not far from becoming a gentleman. A gentleman will never make you wait.
If he’s running even a little bit late, he will let you know so you’re not waiting for him not knowing where he is or why there is a delay, he will always be honest with you no matter what, and he will put being polite and respectful towards you above anything else.
These qualities, and more, are what make a gentleman. Practice the steps to become a gentleman and implement the suggestions mentioned above to become the best gentleman you can be.
This article was originally created and published by Killian Rodriguez on June 17th, 2022, and updated on February 14th, 2024, to include up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.