Why Do Good Girls Truly Like Bad Guys?
Men all over the world are always saying that girls only like bad boys and that nice guys finish last. While that may be true for some, we think that guys aren’t paying attention to the little things and all of the signs that point to what women really want from a man – and that’s not to be treated like a hooker slave.
Women want to feel loved, protected, taken care of but they also want their hair pulled and their ass spanked every now and then too. Bad guys bring a sort of flavor to a stale relationship, but most women aren’t seeking the bad guys you’re thinking about.
Most women prefer a good guy with bad tendencies, or the equivalent to guys wishes of a “lady in the street, but a freak in the sheets”. That’s all.
We don’t want assholes that slap us in the face and treat us like dogs, we only want that during sex. So before you go around saying that women just want to be treated like shit by bad guys and those good guys will never get a good girl – read our article to find out what it really is about bad guys that are attracting the opposite sex.
Why Good Girls Are Attracted to Bad Guys
What a Bad Guy Is

I believe there are several types of bad guys – the bad bad guys and the good bad guys. As stated before, there are girls who do fall for the bad guys that treat them like dirt, but the women who love bad guys aren’t exactly loving the bad things they do but rather the manly way they handle life. Let me break it down for you.
A good bad guy is someone who can be a gentleman to his lady and not hurt his lady on purpose, but if he has to fight someone in a bar, he will. If he is pissed off, you will know it. If you feel unprotected, his big, strong arms are there to save the day and you won’t have to feel scared or anxious when he’s around.
Women might find many different qualities as bad but a good bad, not a bad “treating you like shit on the bottom of your shoe” bad. Most women when they think of a bad guy, think of a manly man that treats them good but everything about them can be rough and tough and rugged.
Maybe She’s Not as Good as You Think

It’s also important to remember that sometimes a woman could appear a “good woman” but maybe she’s not as good as you think she is? And this could very well be the main reason she’s attracted to bad guys – they fit her style.
You’ll find good-hearted people all over the world with bad tendencies, so it could be that she may be a good person but she’s a bad girl herself. Or she could be a terrible, no good person that deserves someone like her. Always investigate the girl before judging her choices in a man.
Do Opposites Attract?

And then there is always the rule of thumb that sometimes opposites attract, and it could be that her good girl style really needs a bad boy to spice things up. Sometimes, as we’ve been told our whole lives, opposites attract and when you lack certain things in your life you tend to look for those things in another person.
Sometimes girls (and guys alike) are much better off finding a partner that completes them instead of a partner that is just like them.
Do Girls Like the Way Bad Guys Treat Them?

I have been waiting my entire life to yell this from the top of the world, women do not like being treated bad and you aren’t going to get very far doing so. You might find that some girls tend to fold under pressure when their man is yelling at them or talking down to them over something, but a real woman does not and will not tolerate such asshole-ish ways!
Everything you have ever heard about good girls or girls in general when it comes to being treated bad, forget you heard it. This is just what good, sensitive guys who don’t have a bad bone in their body tell themselves when they can’t score a girl on account of their sensitivity or weakness. Women want strong men, not whiny “I can’t get a girl” guys.
Remember that next time you have a competition in getting a girl’s attention, don’t be the sad guy who says he’s too good to get a good girl. This is a huge turn-off and will turn her towards the other guy immediately.
It’s also important to remember that the good bad guys don’t treat their women any worse than a good guy does. Again, it all depends on the guy himself and what the woman tolerates.
Secrets About Bad Guys She Loves
Something About That Adrenaline Rush

Bad guys provide an adrenaline rush unlike any other, from the way they are so daring, to the adventurous things they do, and even the fast-paced way they live life at times can be such a huge turn on. Think of it this way, most women want a guy who gets out there and lives life to the fullest, having a blast all along the way.
Naturally, women see a man who hardly shy away from things and thinks of him as some sort of adrenaline hero here to rescue her from this cold, bland world. Whether it’s true or not, women prefer a much more adventurous, spontaneous man over a timid, scared to try anything type of guy.
So, next time you want to compete with the bad guy for a girl – try something new and show her you’ve got spirit too!
She Thinks She Can Change Him, and Sometimes She Can

Females have a knack for wanting to change someone, especially a man, and they think they can. Sometimes a woman is able to change her man, and for the better, and when a woman is able to change him, she feels like she’s “got him forever” at that point.
Yes, there’s something a tad bit morbid when it comes to women wanting to change men because they’ll almost be a motherly type teaching their son how to treat a lady and how to be a man out in this world.
Of course, most of the time she can’t change him and things just fall apart – but it’s one of the things that draws her to him in the first place.
Sometimes He’s Her Revenge on an Ex, on Her Parents, or on the World Period

Bad guys sometimes provide the perfect revenge on an ex or on a family member who hates just about everything you do. Another morbid way women use bad guys is against someone she seeks to destroy or at least hurt in some way, shape, or form.
When a girl gets with a bad guy, it can sometimes push others to the edge or at least adds shock value to the whole situation. Sometimes a girl can even be acting out, being rebellious, or she feels like she has something to prove and a bad boy has all of the qualities a girl needs to get under people’s skin – especially people that love her.
There Are Bad Guys With Good Hearts

Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as a bad guy with a good heart. So maybe he’s not a bad person and he won’t cheat on you or hit you, but there are other bad qualities about him such as he’s a drinker and smoker, he’s known to get in fights around town, or he’s just known as a badass.
I think I can speak for most women when I say that nearly 90% of the time we seek a bad guy for whatever reason, we still look for guys with good hearts – we just get fooled more than half the time. Or again, we feel like we can change them. Nevertheless, not all bad guys are bad people that will be a bad partner, it all just depends on what you consider too bad to be with or too bad to handle.
They’re More Attractive

Maybe it’s the qualities in him that make him seem more attractive or maybe it’s the confidence they carry, but generally speaking, bad guys seem to be much more attractive than those that are considered all-around nice guys.
Not saying this is always the case, but for most women – they find themselves leaning more towards the bad boy when it comes to appearance.
Hey, now you nice guys know exactly what us girls have been feeling over our own appearances on a daily basis! If anything, now men are having to go through the same things women have always gone through. It just seems different from men because it’s more about your personality and for women, it’s about our looks.
How do you think women have felt all of these years with men swooning over porn stars and movie stars that parade around in movies half-naked, as opposed to good, wholesome women and girls who have kept it classy?
So maybe the whole “nice guys finish last and good girls prefer bad guys” thing started when you all started objectifying and sexualizing women, leaving the good, classy girls out to rot?
He Makes Her Feel Safe and More Like a Woman

Men that are bad have a tendency to be tough and rough too, which is super hot for just about any woman who loves men being men. We don’t want sissy men that can’t protect us, or that can’t stand up and fight for us, so when the bad guy stands up for us and almost punches the man who slapped our ass for us, there’s a connection that happens between her heart and his – at least in her mind anyway.
She can even compare him to some sort of hero or superman for that matter, which only leads to her falling for him later on, so guys – if you want to score a chic, be a man and protect her!
Never a Dull Moment

There’s absolutely never a dull moment when you’re hanging out with a bad guy, it would be a lot like hanging out with a prostitute while she was at work. There will always be some type of commotion, adventure, situation, and maybe even drama when you’re with said guy. While some women don’t particularly care for the drama he brings, there are some that feed off of this just as she would feed off the drama and gossip from her girlfriends.
Her Period Can Actually Make Her More Attracted to Him

Blame it on your period, ladies, it’s what is attracting you to those bad boys and you knew you should have gotten that taken care of long ago by getting your tubes tied! Realistically though, you can’t just tie them up and instead, you have to deal with it, and with those raging hormones comes some pretty weird cravings for things that might not be so great for you, like bad guys.
During ovulation, women tend to be even more attracted to qualities such as dominance and striking male features, which could be why she leans towards those bad boys when she’s on her period – they are much more dominant and manly than the overly sweet, sensitive good guys.
They Are Typically More Dominant in and Out of the Bedroom

Speaking of dominant, bad guys are typically way more confident and way more dominant in and out of the bedroom, which is what most girls love. Women were made to be nurturers, understanding, a voice of reason, and soft, while men are supposed to be the complete opposite.
Sure, we love sensitivity in our men, but not if you’re more sensitive than we are and not if you can’t find the balance between your sensitivity and being a tough man. You don’t have to grunt and beat your chest or anything, but sometimes women like it when their man gets a little bossy and shows her he can be dominant and aggressive over her, in a good way.
This article was written by Leonard Smith and published on April 2nd, 2020, and revised on February 23rd, 2021, to include additional relevant information provided by industry experts.