Does His Size Really Matter During Sex for Women?
There is just one question that every single guy on the earth would like to know the God’s honest truth to – does size really matter? Sure, guys with larger members may say that’s not something they have to worry about the answer to, but you shouldn’t necessarily bank on that.
After all, there are plenty of women who think there is such a thing as ‘too big’ or ‘too much’. And it certainly can hurt.
So, how do you know what the line between not enough and too much is? And since it’s not something that you can just change (at least not without surgery or pills), how can a guy know what to do if he’s just not big enough, or maybe even not small enough?
Is there even a way to make up for what you lack or take away from what you have? God gave it to you for a reason and unless it’s life-threatening, you shouldn’t just change something on your body because of how someone else feels about it.
Well, we’ve (somewhat) come to your rescue boys.
No need to continue wondering and worrying, we’ve done tons and tons of researching, reading, studying, and even polling women all over the United States to find out if size really does matter, and if it does, is there a way to make up for the lack of? Or a way to tone it down for those with larger problems?
Read on to find out the truth behind every man’s burning question, and also to learn some truths about the size of your member and how it “factually” play into sex and relationships.
Does the Penis Size Physically & Scientifically Matter?
Like, Does It “Factually” Matter?

Since it’s “politically correct” to be “politically correct” today in 2020, instead of just a matter of real people’s opinions and truths we all must have scientific evidence now to support our thoughts or otherwise we may not be able to form an educated hypothesis on the matter.
So, for those of you who are much more book smart than I – scientifically, physically, and economically speaking – does penis size literally and factually matter?
Will it affect your sex life or relationship in a step-by-step, XYZ, labcoat and beakers kind-of-way? Or is this just something for girls to giggle and gossip about?
We promise, it does affect your sex life, your relationship, and it can even affect other areas of your life if you’re getting bent over by a small or large guy and you’re not getting the right push you need.
It’s even worse for the guy though, and it can affect him and his life in many ways, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
For Those Who Are Considered ‘Not Big Enough’

We don’t really believe there are any real, actual damage costs here for the storm not being big enough, besides psychological damage of course. Unfortunately, that sometimes can be the worst damage of all. Having a small penis can actually destroy a man’s ego and confidence for life.
Messing with your head emotionally feeling as if you’re not good enough, can also lead to sickness, disease, anxiety, and a slew of other physical and mental problems.
So while not being enough isn’t detrimental in the way you think it would be, it can end up being a slow, torturous process for the man holding the stick.
As for the woman, it could only destroy her image of him and have her perceiving him in a way that maybe she shouldn’t. But we say if that’s how she feels, let her leave. Not everyone is meant for you, that’s why there’s only one that wins in the end.
For Those Who Are Considered ‘Too Much’ or ‘Too Big’

While there are probably tons of men and women thinking they would love to have this “so-called” problem in their lives, don’t hate or knock on something you know nothing about.
There is such a thing as having a penis that is either too large for her (the girl you’re with) or even a penis that is just too large in general. And this can cause not only sex life issues and relationship problems, but maybe even health issues too.
Physically, a large penis has been known to rip a girl’s vagina during intercourse, and this doesn’t always happen to women or girls who have smaller or tighter vagina’s either.
Women who have sex with men and their large members can sometimes experience bruising of the cervix if the man ends up going too deep and too hard also. So having a large penis isn’t always what women are going to want.
There are many health issues that can cause you to have a larger penis than normal, so it’s always best to consult a doctor if it’s something that’s not necessarily normal for you.
Tips to Make Size Not Matter to Her So Much
The Motion in the Ocean

Get used to this phrase, you’re going to hear it a lot from women and especially if you have a “not so perfect” size, but you can work it like it’s being used to pay the rent that is due tonight, baby!
“It’s not about the size of the boat, it’s about the motion in the ocean.” We hope this is self-explanatory, but if not, it’s not about how big your penis is it’s about how you work it and use it in the bedroom. And most women will agree to this 100%.
From my own personal experience, I’ve had sex with guys that were very well-endowed and didn’t please me in the least. Compared to someone I had sex with that was considered a more average size, the average guy would take the cake.
I’m biased now, however, as I’m engaged to someone who has both the motion and the boat in check.
But for most women, this age-old saying stands tall and true to them today in 2020 just as it did when it was said to originate from old ‘sailor slang’ where they literally meant that the size of your boat didn’t matter when it came to the waves of the ocean, that a smooth voyage was not determined by ship size but by the ability of the sailor to fight the waves.
The same can be true for the bedroom, and as a woman, I 110% agree. If you can’t use your large member for more than five minutes, why would a woman choose you over an average or smaller penis that can last for five hours and give her an orgasm?
The Right Lady for the Job

To be completely honest, size could possibly matter to someone who is a virgin and you’re over here with a 10-inch sausage ready to stick in that bun that’s never been heated up. And it might matter to the girl who got around a lot back in her day, and here you are ready to pin her down with your five inches.
Choosing the right vagina matters a lot depending on the size of your penis as well, so some could even argue that vagina size matters too.
Girls talk to each other about how big their man’s penis is (or the lack thereof) so it’s only fair that guys do some talking about how tight (or not) his girl was last night. Sally can’t be a loosey-goosey bashing Jimmy for his small penis, right?
Sometimes you just have to find the right person for the job in order for the work to get done.
Lose Weight

If you are steadfast in making your penis bigger, we would recommend just simply losing weight. Instead of pills or even a diet, losing weight will have you not only feeling great about the size of your penis but also your size in general.
Not to mention the boost of energy you’ll have and the better you’ll feel physically all of the way around.
Scientists and doctors alike agree that losing weight can significantly improve the size of your penis, but of course, it can’t always make it grow to the capacity you may like, so don’t fret if you don’t see four inches of growth after you lose 20 pounds.
Real Women Answer if Size Really Matters to Them

We wanted to know what your average, an everyday real woman would think about this question, so I polled roughly 80-100 women online – all from the United States.
All ages were surveyed from 18 to 50, from single and never been married, to married four times with six kids, all different races, ethnicities, sexual preferences (but with experience), and more.
Cindy, 33, Florida:
“Size only matters if you’re really teeny tiny down there in the mens department and you’re not really working with many moves either. I’ve been with guys who have absolutely long, thick schlongs and do not know how to last or how to move so it didn’t matter one bit that he was bigger because he was terrible at it, But then again, I’ve never had a good time even in the slightest nor felt any type of pleasure with a tiny man. So while I say yes, size matters and most women probably prefer larger, you can’t really speak for all.”
Olivia, 25, Kentucky:
“It’s not about the size, it’s about the motion in the ocean! If you know how to work your penis, how to move your hips during sex, and how to pleasure a woman all of the way around – she won’t care about your size! Now, on the other hand …. Just know what you’re doing guys and you’ll be fine!”
Ashton, 29, South Carolina:
“I’m really small down there, so I can’t have anything above average. I don’t have complaints about the guys I’ve slept with – and like I said, they’ve all been average or slightly less than that. So maybe it’s because I’m really small down there like I said, or maybe they just know what they’re doing and it’s O.k.?”
Angie, 25, California:
“Any girl that says size doesn’t matter is lying! Of course we all want caring and loving men that love us and treat us right but we also want a man who knows how to use his “thing” in the bedroom. And I think most women would say that larger “things” are where it’s at!”
So the Winner Is …Both?

Let’s be honest, we all know that someone still has to win this long, drawn-out battle – right? It turns out that maybe both small and large could be winners to never have to dual it out again.
The Australian National University conducted a study out of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal, and they found women do prefer men with larger penises.
However, that’s not to say that all of these women have actually experienced larger penises in the bedroom or were they just judging based on looks alone, it should still be noted that the majority of the women voted larger for a reason.
But – we did mention that the winner could possibly be both large and small. And it may not even be a small or large thing at all, it could be something completely normal and right there in the middle.
A UCLA study conducted around 2014 polled women in steady, somewhat long-term or at least a stable several months and on, relationship with a man about their man’s penis size. Instead of being concerned about how large or small it was, a whopping 84% admitted to being just fine with their man’s size.
This meant that only 14% of ladies said they wished their man was larger, and only 2% wished they were smaller, but most committed women seemed to be down for the long haul no matter what – which we thought is pretty dang awesome.
It almost sounds like the “judging of the penis size” and thinking that penis size does really matter, only matters to those first starting out and wanting one of those sexual and fun relationships.
But once you get serious with someone and you see more of their insides and not just their outsides, the more ‘the outside’ can change for them, and you.
Being treated like a queen and having a fun, loving, caring and romantic relationship will end up being better than just having some really good sex because once you love someone with all of your heart, they become that best sex partner you ever had anyways, it kinda just works like that…and if they aren’t, you teach them your ways and make them!
This article was written and published by Gianluca Petrozzi on March 3rd, 2020, and updated on February 19th, 2024, to include relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.