How to Know if You’ve Found Your Soulmate
Everyone tells you your entire life that when you find “the one” you will just know that they are that one. The truth is that there is no huge red sign on the person that says “It’s me” and there aren’t exactly big arrows in the sky pointing to him or her either letting you know that’s your soulmate.
Even our mind and heart can play tricks on us and tell us that someone is our soulmate and come to find out weeks or months later, they are not. So, is there really a way to find out if someone is meant for you 110% and you are meant for them 110%, and your souls belong together until the end of eternity?
Fortunately, there are signs here and there, and there are ways you can feel around your soulmate that you wouldn’t feel around other people that will stick out to you like a sore thumb and make you wonder if this person is it.
And while there isn’t a way to ever know if someone really is your mate of souls or if you just two just have compatibility, there are things about this person and ways that you will feel that will always surpass all of the rest.
Do you think you might have found your soulmate and just don’t know yet? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have researched feelings, thoughts, actions, even psychologists and Doctor approved habits that can come from someone who is meant to be yours forever.
Ways to Know if They Are Your Soulmate
1. The Way They Make You Feel Mentally

In the big picture, you may look at this person and relationship thinking “ok, I love them and I’m in love with them – but I’ve been in love before, I’ve felt this before, so how do I know this person is any different?”
Just vaguely looking at it this way can very well look like a story you’ve heard and even lived out before, but, if you take a step back and really think about it – is this person giving you a different feeling in an area that nobody else has?
If you were to ask married men and women all over the world, what moment did you know they were the one for them, most of them will tell you that it isn’t just one particular moment. It’s many moments, and actions and words said, rolled into one big moment of “hey, I think they’re my soulmate!”
Most men asked this very question regarding how they knew the moment they were marrying their soulmate, said it was either her laughter or her personality that was different than any other. Most women said that it was the way they were treated and the way they felt with theirs that showed them he was the one for them.
It’s all about what they bring to you and what you bring to them. Some say they knew their soulmate when he made her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, and nobody had ever made her feel that way before.
Others have said they knew she was the one when she had this laugh and smile that is just so gorgeous and so unique, you knew that smile was meant for you. I’ve even heard about someone knowing her now-husband was her soulmate when she realized he was the only guy she ever dated that didn’t make her feel jealous around other women, like every single guy before.
Soulmates have a way of delivering a mental ASMR to you that nobody has ever done for you or even been able to accomplish, this is their way of showing themselves to you as hints to see if you are able to catch on. In fact, you’ll be throwing these subliminal hints right back at them if they’re the one – we’ll talk about that in just a little bit though.
If you take a step outside of your relationship with this person and look at the two of you, is there a really big thing they are doing so different for you that nobody else has ever done for you?
It’s usually something not big but it plays a huge role in a big area in a relationship – if that makes sense. The action or thing they do might not be extravagant, but the meaning behind it means everything.
2. The Way They Make Your Body Feel

The way they make your body and brain feel aren’t going to lie to you, so this actually just might be the most important way to know 100%. Put your mind and body to the test.
They make your dopamine levels jump up.

It’s proven that when you get around your soulmate your dopamine levels are going to skyrocket, especially near the beginning of the relationship but will last throughout the entire relationship if you don’t let that spark die.
Your hormone levels kick into high gear.

You get super giddy and childlike, non-stop thinking about him or her when you meet the one for you and start falling in love. This is all due to your hormones kicking it up a notch because again, your body knows when it’s meeting the one for it – I mean, their body is meant for yours too, right?
You are more positive, happy, and motivated.

The mood change and the confidence in life are all thanks to that dopamine and high hormone levels making you feel super energized and happy. But you wouldn’t feel that way around someone not meant for you, so bask in those feelings baby!
Talk about a surge of energy between the two of you.

When you’re with that person you’ll feel super tingles and energy between the two of you, especially when you touch. And when we say energy, we literally mean sparks of energy can be physically felt when you are just near one another.
Dopamine isn’t the only great chemical released from your brain.

Whilst meeting and hanging around your soulmate, not only is dopamine released but also norepinephrine and adrenaline are released. All three releasing together create a whole new, more positive, happy, and ready to get up go attitude.
3. How Do You Act Ever Since You’ve Been With Them?

Following along with the above information, since finding and being around your soulmate turns you into a totally different person that is a better version of yourself, you may find yourself doing more productive things with your life entirely or maybe around the house, at work, in your kids lives, etc.
You’ll have more motivation to pick those feet up and go get done what you need to get done for that day.
Chances are you’ll also feel more comfortable being around people, talking to people and connecting with them, and you’ll feel more attractive and happy with your appearance and body.
Finding your soulmate honestly provides you with the security of having someone there that won’t choose another over you.
You’ll act like a much happier person all of the ways around due to the positivity flowing through your body and veins, and we all know that you can accomplish the world when you’re happy!
4. Are They Compatible With All of the Things You’ve Always Wanted in a Partner?

Nobody is perfect but your soulmate will be damn near close, or they might even be spot on, according to your list of needs you’ve always wanted to have in a lover.
Most romantics or people who want to find “the one” at least will (at some point in their life) make a list of all of the things they just had to have in a partner or it was a no-go.
It’s super scary, but pretty damn cool, to realize that your soulmate is going to have all of those (realistic) qualities in them that you deem super important, more than anything, and then they’ll even have more cool qualities than that you would have never expected.
So, not only will you be able to check off pretty much all of those real requests you asked the Good Lord above for in a man or woman, but you’ll be able to add some that you didn’t even think of…and you’ll be ecstatic!
5. The Way They Act

Of course, your soulmate will speak volumes with the way she or he acts also, and nine times out of ten she or he will be acting just like you are – absolutely love-smitten, struck, stuck, strong, and showing! But all in a good way!
They should be reciprocating those same actions back to whom they come from, so for instance, if she gives her man a kiss on the cheek in public it’s only fair that he returns the favor.
Or she could offer to pay for the meal or date this time since he is always paying for it. Little things like this mean so much to the person on the receiving end.
If you catch your partner doing sweet little things to benefit you and not necessarily just them, and you find that your lover is more upbeat, positive, and happy – they are probably feeling that soulmate energy from you!
Soulmates or Love: Strange Ways to Spot the Difference

It can be very hard discerning who is someone you are falling in love with as opposed to someone who is your soulmate, but as we’ve said before, there are certain differences when it comes to this person than any other person. You just have to be aware of your surroundings, watch every little detail, and listen to what is really being said behind every word spoken.
We touched on the major ways to know you have found the one for you, and now to bring more clarity, here are some detailed signs and ways to know without a shadow of a doubt that this person is yours to keep – forever.
They’ll start to smell different, but in a really good way
It may have something to do with our pheromones, the literal smell we put out subliminally to those who are attracted to us or even to attract people to us, but you’ll notice that this special person who has your heart is starting to smell really good. Not only that but the smell even comforts and soothes you. KEEPER – Check.
They’re bringing out the best in you, including things you never thought you’d do
When you love someone and they’re someone you should be settling down with from now on, going forward, your life and personality and motivation will all change for the better.
You’ll start doing things you never did before, you’ll see talents and beauty in yourself you never saw before, you may even feel confident enough to start pursuing a dream of yours that you’ve never pursued.
They remind you of someone you’ve known your whole life or someone you loved before, but a million times better
Don’t get grossed out, but a lot of times they can remind you of someone you have already been in love with before except fifty gazillion times better. And that alone will be really weird because you thought at one point in time that person was the bomb dot com and no one would ever hold a candle next to them.
Now, you see that person in your soulmate but everything is better and then some. Not even that but they could also remind you of someone you love in your life like a father, mother, sister, brother, cousin, etc.
While that sounds a little sick at first glance, thinking about it for a minute you’ll understand it has nothing to do with looks at all but everything to do with compatibility in personalities.
Super unique, strange, sometimes uncanny connections between each other or detailed and specific unique similar likes/dislikes
Some soulmates get together only to find out they were both born in towns called Magenta, both have sisters named Trish, and both grew up with parents who skydived.
And others get together finding out they have some pretty unique, to the exact T loves as they both obsess over Cap’N Crunch cereal, won’t eat any other pop tarts besides Smores, they both hate jello with a passion except the orange flavor, and they prefer Coke as their beverage above all others.
Not sure if it’s the universe just being funny, or maybe it’s God showing us signs so that we know we’re on the right path, but these similarities between soulmates are perhaps the most telling and most proving of soulmates actually existing and it’s not just a fictional fairy tale.
They arrived in your life at seemingly the most perfect time, or maybe even the not so perfect time but their arrival made it perfect
So when you officially met your soulmate for the first time, that day was their perfect time to arrive. If you take a step back and remember the day you officially remember meeting them or seeing them in full for the first time, you’ll be able to see just how perfect the timing was at that moment.
For some, their soulmate arrives just when they’ve given up on love or been dumped or have dumped someone. And for others, they come almost like a superhero to rescue them from a bad relationship.
Other people claim their soulmate arrived like an Angel in the sky, except they didn’t fly down into their lives that day when they met but it felt like they did.
They came in at a time in their life when they were really hurting over something such as family issues, friend problems, issues with your children, the list goes on and on.
The timing of the arrival of your soulmate is everything, it’s always going to be at a time where it couldn’t have been any more on the dot.
Four Major Key Factors to Identify Your Soulmate

1. Recognizing Them
There are four major key factors that will help you identify your soulmate, and recognizing them is your very first clue to knowing they are “the one”.
As stated before, you’ll feel like this person has a recognizable character or personality, like they’re someone in your family or someone you loved before – but better. Maybe you used to dream about them when you were a kid and you’re now seeing them standing there in front of you in real life.
Amongst recognizing them comes learning to trust, closeness in your relationship, and a super deep connection with each other.
Your souls have met before, whether that be in Heaven when God prepared one soul, then separated them as male & female so that they could come together here on earth, or maybe that comes with your belief system in another way, but the point is that there is such a thing as having two people (two souls) feeling like one soul separated at birth.
In fact, that’s what finding your soulmate feels like.
2. The Magnetism Between One Another
The energy you will feel between each other will be unlike any other connection you’ve ever felt with anyone. What you will feel between each other is going to feel like an actual magnet on each of you, pulling you towards each other and connecting perfectly.
The chemistry will be out of this world, especially when you are first starting out and the magnetic force between the two of you will be strongly felt by both parties if they just open up their minds and hearts to the situation.
3. Intensity
Everything you do, say, every action you take, every step you make, every kiss you smooch – all of it is done with such intensity. And ask yourself, when was the last time it was this intense with someone – if ever at all.
This intensity can also be called and known as passion, passion for one another as your souls belong together, and just like our flesh, it seems as if our souls fight to be together also.
4. Sacrifice & Compromise
Perhaps the most important key ingredient to knowing 110% you’ve found your soulmate is the equal sacrifice and compromise that both of you put in. It takes someone that really loves you to be able to give up something important to them to compromise with your beliefs, wants, and needs.
Not only will they put you first on the list but they will sacrifice some of the things about themselves they know won’t benefit you or won’t allow you to show off parts of you and your life.
Love and soulmates bring out the absolute best in us, so when you come across someone who makes you feel like a brand new person inside and out, they have this energy coming from them to you that is almost unreal, and they just have something about them you can’t exactly pinpoint what it is- check the guide here and see if they could very well be “the one” for you.
This article was originally created and published by Leonard Smith on March 17th, 2020, and updated on February 23rd, 2021, to include up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.