What Is a Girl Talk
Girls love to talk, gossip, and discuss different things whenever they are together. Their topics are often about boys, fashion, love, and relationships, among many other things.
It is common knowledge that girls are generally more talkative and conversational than guys, particularly when they are with their friends or other girls they are familiar with.
This is the concept behind the term “girl talk” which refers to an intimate conversation between girls. It could be about anything and may involve different emotions and topics. As long as two or more girls are having a serious or casual conversation wherein boys are not allowed, it can be suitably considered a girl talk. Let’s dig deeper into the details.
What Is a Girl Talk?
A “girl talk” is an exclusive conversation between girls that can either be intimate, private, or casual. Some would refer to it as a female heart-to-heart talk and is the female counterpart of a “man-to-man” talk between guys. This makes “girl talks” reasonably off-limits to boys.
Additionally, girl talks can either be strictly confidential, random, or just for fun, depending on the situation.
In its simplest sense, a girl talk can either be between two girls or a group of girls that share a special bond or kinship. In most cases, it consists of girls that have a close relationship with each other like a mother and a daughter, sisters and siblings, best friends, female cousins/relatives, or an all-female group of colleagues, among others.
From a broader perspective, a girl talk may also refer to a conversation between girls who don’t necessarily share a special bond, but in some ways, they have a connection (any interrelation with each other) or a basis of mutual interest.
Examples are; girls who share the same social circle, have the same past relationships and relate to each other’s life experiences. The same thing applies to girls that are in a similar situation or part of the same group.
Girl talks enable girls to develop a sense of sisterhood and interdependence with one another. They provide the perfect opportunity to sympathize with each other, disclose matters that they cannot freely discuss with the opposite sex, and learn new things in the process.
After all, who could understand and appreciate what a girl is going through than other girls with the same sentiments, interests, and way of thinking?
What Happens During a Girl Talk?
You may have probably witnessed it in movies or real life, wherein one girl is dealing with a boy problem, and her squad of girlfriends comes to the rescue to cheer her up and hear her story. This is a clear picture of what a girl talk is all about. It could also be a group of women talking about marriage, pregnancy, parenthood, and marital issues.
So basically, a lot of things could happen during a girl talk. Here are the most common occurrences that you can expect;
1. Girls Comfort Their Friends and Each Other.
During a girl talk, girls comfort one another. They make their friend/s feel that they are always there for each other; and that they always have a shoulder to lean on and cry on when things get rough. It is very common among girls to find someone they can confide on.
Oftentimes, they find comfort in each other; and it’s their special bond and friendship that enables them to move on after a heartbreak or major setback in life.
2. Girls Talk About Their Secrets and Crushes.
Girls are more open about their crushes and secrets than guys. It is usually during girl talks that these topics are freely discussed and shared in full detail.
As they share each other’s secrets, they giggle, get silly, and enjoy carefree moments together. They also talk about the boys who make their hearts flutter without worrying about anyone spilling the beans.
3. Girls Give Each Other Advice During Girl Talks.
Girl talks happen between females of all ages and generations, which makes them therapeutic for those dealing with difficult times during various stages of their lives. It is during these conversations that women tend to give each other advice, sympathy, and understanding.
For example, teenage girls that go through heartbreaks can get comforting advice from their female friends during girl talks. The same thing goes for mature women dealing with marital problems, parenting issues, and divorce.
All of these make girl talks empowering for women of all ages. It makes them feel that other women understand them and got their back during the hardest of times; and are willing to give them advice and lessons to make life more manageable.
4. Girls Discuss Their Passions and Interests.
Conversations between girls often involve different topics such as fashion, movies, music, shopping, food, and celebrities. Almost any topic is acceptable as long as it’s something that they enjoy talking about.
For others, constructive topics make the conversations more gratifying such as discussions about their careers, new hobbies, fitness routines, and household tips. As for other girls, topics that spark their interest typically involve dating, social media, and the hottest places or events in town.
5. Girls Share Stories and Gossips During Girl Talks.
Gossiping is perhaps one of the hallmarks of girl talks. It is not a secret that girls love talking about the hottest guys in school, the “it” girls in the neighborhood, the most scandalous happenings, “who’s dating who”, and everything else that’s happening around them.
Girl talks also offer the most suitable time and place to share the latest gossip, tell-tales, and rumors worth talking about.
6. Girls Engage in Heart-to-heart Talks.
Girl talks allow girls to engage in intimate heart-to-heart talks. It is usually these types of conversations that enable women to spill their disappointments and regrets in life. For some, during girl talks, they open up their hearts to reveal their fears, anxieties, and the things that are weighing them down.
Heart-to-heart talks are full of honesty and sincerity. They reveal a woman’s state of mind and deep emotions. Sometimes, these kinds of talks drive women to make certain revelations about themselves since they are talking to women who can relate to their situation.
Why Girls Love to Have “Girl Talks”
Girls find a lot of comfort and reassurance in girl talks. It gives them a sense of belongingness and makes them feel that there are girls that they can depend on. It is easier for a lot of teenage girls to talk and open up to their friends than to their parents or sisters.
Having a “girlfriend” that they can trust among mature women is far more uplifting than having a lover and a bunch of friends. These are some of the things that make these conversations special among females.
Let’s find out the top reasons why girls love having “girl talks” with their female friends;
1. Girl Talks are Fun and Empowering.
Have you ever heard of “girl power”? This is something that girls feel whenever they are with their female friends. Their conversations and the moments they spend together give them the empowerment they need to appreciate life, become more confident and develop a sense of courage from within. Through girl talks, one can discover more about herself with the help and support of other girls who truly care.
2. Girl Talks Promote Sisterhood and Close Bond.
Communication is the key to healthy relationships, and this strongly applies to girl talks. Girls that share each other’s secrets, dreams, passions, and interests tend to develop a strong bond. They learn from each other and see themselves the way others see them.
Moreover, whenever they give each other advice, comfort, encouragement, and appreciation, a sense of sisterhood comes to light and emerges among them.
3. Girl Talks Contribute to Emotional Wellness.
Having someone to talk to whenever you’re down and in need of a friend is the best way to prevent emotional breakdowns. This makes girl talks beneficial among women who are going through challenging times. Knowing that you have a friend who understands you and willing to listen offers reassurance and consolation.
For many girls, intimate girl talks allow them to cry and release their overwhelming emotions, which is a healthy way to deal with heartaches and frustrations to move forward.
4. Girl Talks Can Make Life Easier Between Women.
As women get older, their problems in life become more challenging. In addition to that, adulthood goes hand-in-hand with more responsibilities in life. This makes girl talks essential to every woman’s sanity. If you’ve ever watched television series such as Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girls, and Gilmore Girls, you’ll probably get the whole picture of how important it is for women of all ages to have a good support system.
Talking to women who understand what you’re going through can make life bearable and contributes to a more meaningful life.
5. Girl Talks are Exclusively for Girls.
As girls, it’s always good to have one aspect in your life that you can consider as your own – something that your boyfriend or husband cannot penetrate. This is the essence of girl talks. They are exclusive and, frequently, private.
They provide girls the freedom (and privilege) to talk about their individual concerns and points of view with fellow girls, as they “compare notes” with each other.
In addition to that, they can also immerse in other topics such as their romantic relationships, love problems, sexual concerns, and female intuitions without having to deal with male opinions.
Common Girl Talk Examples and Scenarios
Girl talks happen in a lot of scenarios. They can either be planned or unplanned. There are many reasons why girls look forward to them, and the good thing about girl talks is that they could happen both in good times and in bad times.
These types of conversations usually bring out the vulnerability, candidness, and genuine personalities of girls.
Let’s explore the different examples and scenarios of girl talks.
Slumber Party
A slumber party is when girls spend the night in a house to party and have some girl fun. One of them can host the party and prepare for their food and activities. It is very common among teenage and pre-teen girls. Aside from girl talks, many things happen during a slumber party like games, make-up tutorials, dress-ups, and open forum.
Girls’ Night Out
A girls’ night out is an exclusive party or night out for girls, which can either be in a club, bar or events place. This is quite common among modern women who want to party on weekends with their girlfriends to catch up with some girl talk and enjoy drinks or dinner together.
“Me” Time with the Girls
“Me” Time with the Girls is a specific time and day of the week wherein girls meet up to hang-out together and talk. These are typical among women between the ages of 30 and 50, who need a break from their usual daily routine.
Some women like to name these gatherings as Thursday Club (if it happens on a Thursday), Girls’ Poker Night, Wine Night, or Meet-up with the Girls.
Modern High Tea
A Modern High Tea refers to afternoon tea with the girls. The term came from a British tradition of spending the afternoon to share some tea, scones, cake, and sandwiches with an exclusive group of women. It is originally an elegant tradition that consists of a fine tea set and aesthetically-pleasing pastries.
In this modern time, high teas are still common among girls and women of all ages to enjoy nice conversations together and enjoy girl talks in style.
Sunday Brunch with the Girls
A lot of single and married women love to host Sunday brunches for their friends. During this event, they usually spend their time catching up with each other and sharing their week’s highlights.
A Sunday brunch with the girls usually consists of a hearty meal and good conversation. Another common variation is Sunday potluck, although it can also take place in a cafe or restaurant where everyone can relax and enjoy a quality girl talk.
This article was written and published by Gianluca Petrozzi on January 5th, 2021, and updated on February 22nd, 2021, to include relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.