11 Things You Should Do Before Having Sex
When you’re getting ready to do the deed, I’m sure you aren’t going to have a checklist handy or nearby sitting in your dresser drawer, and even if you did I’m sure you wouldn’t pull it out and check off your list in the heat of the moment.
However, there are still some pretty common but never really “sat and thought about it” type of things that you really ought’ to do before having sex with someone.
Here’s the thing, even if you’ve been with this person you’re about to bang for say, 10 years, you’ll still need to practice most of these. Your long-term lover might let you get away with more than a new fuck or a one night stand would, but that doesn’t mean you should do them like that and give them the shorter end of the stick cause you’ve been together longer.
Honestly, the person who has been holding you down for years and years should get way more action than the waterboy down the street.
However, if you’ve never been with this new girl or guy and you are trying super hard to take precautions, there are certain scenarios where you should do something before having sex with them. Such as making sure they’re clean and not married.
Making sure they are who they say they are, like older than 18. But what about the really important things that you can do before having sex with someone you don’t know? Or having sex with your man of 20 years?
Read on to check out the top 11 things you really should do before having sex with your partner or lover, no matter if it is the first time or the five-hundredth time.
Things You Must Do Before Having Sex

If It’s Your First Time With Them

- Get checked & tested. Both of you. If you two have never had sex with each other, it might not be flattering or something that you want to do but it is something that needs to be done. You don’t want to be lying down with someone who has AIDS and you don’t even know it, right? Make sure you both are tested and you show each other results in person or via phone/computer before you ever do anything, even oral, with them. Again, we know this isn’t the first thing you want to hear and it’s certainly not flattering or sexy at all – but then again neither is giving someone you diseases and not even telling them you have them.
- Have a mutual agreement to “do it”. It’s always best to make sure that the person who you are about to have sex with for the very first time ever, is ready to do it as much as you are. In a time where we are learning to embrace virginity and celibacy again, it’s also a must to casually or seriously (whichever you all prefer) bring up the topic of sex and see where the two of you stand (or lie) together.
- Eat foods that flatter your friskiness. In other words, there are foods you can eat that induce sexual desires, cravings, and horny-ness from just consuming them. But the best thing about certain foods? It can even make you taste different. Yes, you read that right. If you eat some foods, let’s say pineapple, it can literally make your vagina taste sweeter! On the flip-side, if you eat garlic it could make it worse! Be super mindful of the foods and drink you take in right before a sex sesh’!
- Start sexting. Nothing builds up the mood faster than telling the other person just what exactly you want to do with them or to them. This is where sexy texts, or sexting, comes into play. Text them something super sweet, yet something super hot, and make them blush no matter where they are. The thought of you not only taking time out of your day to send them something hot and gushy, coupled with the thought of doing something naughty with you will get them ready to go in no time. Maybe even right then and there if you’re lucky. Public sex anyone?
If You’ve Been Together for a Hot Minute

- Do something that makes you feel sexy or something that can make you feel ‘ready to go’ on your own, not needing someone else’s help at that very moment. You are using your own brain to stimulate your thoughts which will, in turn, stimulate your body. Not only are you learning to feel sexy on your thoughts and on your own accord, but this should make you pretty horny too.
- Share the wealth of oral. 69 anyone? And we don’t mean the snitch rapper, we mean the OG 69 move that used to be so “hush, hush” when we were kids – now it’s just another thing to do! This does fall into play with foreplay, but this is way more specific. Head for head? Lips for lips? Give him a blowjob he’ll never forget, and then when she’s done, he’s got to give her the best lickin’ she’s ever had. Nothing sexier than a couple willing to go down on each other and then share in the limelight of oral sex. It definitely should never be a one-way street.
- Quality time beforehand? Yes. And lots of it. Researchers suggest that spending lots of one-on-one time with your boo can lead up to a hot, steamy sex fest when all is said and done. Intimate and one-on-one sessions where you don’t necessarily have sex allow both parties to start to “feel” each other, first emotionally. The buildup of emotional love almost always boils over to intimate and physical love, eventually. Allow the time to stimulate their mind first and the rest will follow suit.
No Matter How Long It’s Been

- Clean up. And we don’t mean your bedroom, we mean you need to clean yourself up. Take a shower or a bath and freshen up. There is nothing more disgusting than a smelly vagina or penis right when you’re trying to get or give head.
- Foreplay. This is some super important shit. Why? Foreplay loosens you up, lubricates and hardens (but not both in one), and also connect you two together. Foreplay just makes the act of sex that much more pleasurable, as it’s almost like the initial jumpstart to kicking off a car battery. The initial spark to spark is foreplay – the engine running is sex.
- Make sure the timing is right and the mood is set. Let’s face it, women especially, are not able to have sex when they’re stressing out about kids and their homework, when the dog is going to eat, what they are going to fix for lunch, etc. etc.
- It is so very important that everything is perfect before having sex or the sex session could turn into quite the disaster leaving one or both parties feeling like they’re not ‘good’ enough to put down on their partner.
- Never force anything, especially yourself, to be horny. That would be the biggest mistake you could make because instead of getting yourself in the mood, you could actually turn yourself way off from trying to force it. Not to mention, if they find out you’re forcing it they could not only be turned off but their feelings could be super hurt.
It’s better to make sure you are really and truly in the mood to do it before you decide to lay down. We know that for men this probably would hardly ever be the case unless they were deathly sick in their death bed, but for women, we think a lot and sometimes too much. That too much thinking can really kill a mood so it’s best to just wait until you feel like you are ready – mind, body, and soul.
The “Before Having Sex” Sexlist

We gave you some practical ways to make your next sex session a blast, but before we leave you to it, we’d like to provide a sexlist if you will, perhaps the most honest sexlist checklist you’re ever going to see but that’s only because we want you to win! So, before you jump into bed with him or her, consider the following list and either verbally or mentally check it off when it comes time to get down and dirty.
- Take a shower, shave the appropriate places, and freshen up afterward
- Perform a “smell” check in all of the right places
- Wear clean clothes or at least clothes that aren’t dirty and stinky
- Brush your teeth
- While you might think it smells good walking through the middle of a mall, ease up on the cologne and perfume
- Investigate the area you are having sex if you can and have time, if there are any distractions, put them away
- Turn your phone on silent, this is also a distraction
- Lock all doors that need to be locked and close all blinds or curtains, you really don’t want any peeping toms. Unless that’s y’alls sorta thing
- Go to the bathroom! This is super important especially for the ladies, you do not want to have a full bladder during sex
- Keep a pack of condoms handy, especially for you guys
- Be yourself, let loose, and have fun!
This article was written and published by Gianluca Petrozzi on July 26th, 2020, and updated on February 23rd, 2021, to include relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.