How to Get Rid of Phone Sex Anxiety
Phone sex seemed to be simple and straightforward: you find a phone sex partner who is usually someone you have a mutual understanding with, you get on the phone, talk dirty, touch yourself, and orgasm. The act requires less action than in real-life.
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However, there are still some people who find phone sex a bit stressful and intimidating. There are many reasons behind this, but one of the most common reasons would be, its not something you do anymore today.
Why is not everyone used to having phone sex today? It seems very easy for many people today to date, hook up, and get laid. Sex is no longer an awkward subject, and it is a topic that can be discussed on the dining table with your parents.
Netflix and chill? The phrase has become so popular with the younger ones that it is often associated with making out and having sex. It is that easy to find a sexual partner in this day and age.
But what if you are part of the millions of couples who are in a long-distance relationship? What if your object of sexual desire is not ready for the act itself? What if you want to spice things up and do something different?
Phone sex can still be appealing and satisfying. You just need to find time to explore it properly.
Getting Started
Are you in a chat line? Great. You’ve probably mastered the art of sensual chatting and teasing. But if you want to take things to another level, you have to work hard on it still.
Let’s admit it; more and more people are meeting their partners online, and taking it to another level does not necessarily mean doing the action real-time but engaging first in phone sex. Many believed this is not just a past time but is actually a fantastic avenue to explore among couples. It is a complete body experience and can even help you get rid of stress.
So how are you going to get started? Of course, you need to ask your phone sex partner about his or her preference. Most action will depend upon you, and you will be the one touching yourself, so you have to be prepared on this too.
It would be best if you prepare your environment. Are you comfortable calling at night? In your bedroom? How about your voice? Are you ready to sound sexy to entice your partner?
It’s ok to get excited, but anxiety might hit you up again when you tend to overdo things.
Getting Rid of Phone Sex Anxiety

If you’re ready, and you feel anxious and unsure if you can pull it off, here are some tips and tricks to help you get rid of phone sex anxiety.
1. Get Into Character.

If you are feeling awkward at first, it will help create a character or persona you can use, even if it means disassociating your real self from the act. This is a great way to ease up anxiety if you are just starting. As a character, you can do things you’ve fantasized about.
Want to be called by a different name? Tell your partner about it. Want to have a totally different persona? You may very well do so too!
2. Gradually Work on It.

You can start by having just a regular conversation. Talk about personal stuff like work, relationships, and non-sexual topics. This will help you ease out a bit and give you and your partner a chance to get to know each other better. Engaging in phone sex does not necessarily mean jumping into it right away. You have to set up the mood and actively listen to your partner’s responses as well. You can talk about a lot of things before proceeding, and it may take its time as well.
3. Set the Mood.

When you feel that you and your phone sex partner are starting to relax, and feel comfortable with each other, you may give subtle hints like asking about what they are wearing. From there, you can start working things out, like asking them to remove the pieces of clothing they have slowly.
You can also ask about their fantasies. Ask if there are things they want to happen or things they want you to do. Check if you can explore those things together. If you are in the mood, you will think less of your anxieties and worries.
4. Relax.

If things start to get steamy, remember to relax, not just your mind but your body. Remember, you have to enjoy the moment, and you are alone. Knowing that nobody sees you is a great way to reduce your anxiety. All you have is your phone sex partner, which you are not even seeing.
5. Stop Overthinking.

Remember, the only that your partner can hear is your voice. If you are in character, you can lie about what you are wearing and your actions. The goal is to put them in the mood and eventually have a pleasurable sexual experience. If you feel like your partner is responsive, that is a good signal to keep going.
6. Let Go of Worries.

Once you are in the conversation, try to not think of anything else like what your partner thinks, if voice is not too sexy enough, etc.. These things will often lead to more stress, making you perform worst and making your goal less achievable. Let go of what is troubling you or what’s stopping you from giving more. If you’re doing phone sex for the first time, it is easy to worry about a lot of stuff but if you learn to let go, things will just flow smoothly.
7. Write Your Own Script.

If you feel that you are going to stutter, then, by all means, try to have a script/model to follow before your conversation. This is ultra helpful for beginners. List sensual adjectives, verbs, and others that you can check as you go along, might be useful to have a glossary of phone sex words you can pull off at all times.
8. Be in the Moment.

Remember to be present and enjoy every bit of the conversation, whether sexual or not. If you are already on the phone with your partner, all your attention should be to your partner. Don’t get distracted and, instead, focus on what you can provide for a much more satisfying experience.
9. Listen and Respond.

Make sure that your phone sex partner is assured that he or she can be open with you. When discussing fantasies, make sure to listen and use them as subtle hints and respond to those fantasies accordingly. Make your partner feel that you are attentive and ready to give his or her desire.
10. Let Your Imagination Run Wild.

This is actually the best time to explore sexual fantasies, especially if you both want to try new things, but they’re something you are not comfortable with in-person. If you are feeling tense, remember just to let your imagination take over you and your conversation. If you keep fantasizing about things it will help you with the anxiety.
11. Don’t Be Afraid to Do Some Actions.

As with every phone sex session, at some point, you should start touching yourself. Doing this would put you even more in the mood, making you release stress and anxieties. Again, nobody is seeing you, so there is nothing worth worrying about.
12. The Goal Is to Achieve an Orgasm.

Of course, the goal is for you and your partner to have an orgasm while having phone sex. If you start acknowledging that you have anxiety and worries just made it clear to your phone partner.
13. Having a Pleasurable Phone Sex Experience.

It is common to have performance anxiety when engaging in a phone sex conversation. The experience as a whole should be pleasurable and should lead to an ultimate satisfaction.
Sometimes, phone sex is the only way long-distance couples or online couples can enjoy each other while apart. Many people feel this is safer than virtual sex because they fear about their privacy and online security. Phone sex should be enjoyable and should not be stressful and full of worries and anxieties.
Remember, if it’s your first time engaging in a phone sex chat it’s normal that you don’t feel as comfortable as you wish, but you’re anonymous and you can chat with many singles as you’d like to on different phone sex numbers, so you should not worry about that first time experience.
Apart from the tips listed above, there are also many resources you can review on how to have a pleasurable phone sex experience. If you are nervous, practice a lot until you slowly become comfortable doing the deed.
Also remember that when doing phone sex, both you and the person at the other line should be fully into it. At the beginning might you might be shy and feel awkward, but it will surely get better once you get the hang of it.
This article was originally created and published by Leonard Smith on July 31st, 2020, and updated on May 4th, 2021, to include up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.