13 Health Benefits of Having an Orgasm
Just like all animals, human beings have sex to procreate. What differentiates us is that we have sex for pleasure, and animals don’t. We do not have to be taught how to have sex, it’s coded in our DNAs, and at some points in our lives, we all have the urge to have sex.
Just like consuming a box of chocolate or downing a glass of our favorite wine makes us feel good, having sex or achieving orgasm causes intense electric pleasure that bursts from our genitalia to our toes.
Most things that give us pleasure often results in negative consequences to our bodies. For instance, consuming too much sugars from our favorite chocolate might result in us having cavities, and drinking too much alcohol can lead to health conditions such as liver cirrhosis.
Luckily, physicians and scientists agree that having frequent orgasms is not bad for our health. In fact, the opposite is true; orgasms have several health benefits to humans. Orgasms are good for our minds, bodies, and souls.
Orgasms feel good because they release pleasure hormones such as oxytocin when we climax. Also referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin plays an essential role in making human beings bond socially. This article will dig deeper into orgasms and how they help us.
Below are several reasons why having orgasms improve our quality of life.
The Advantages of Having Orgasms
Orgasms Help Us Sleep Better

When we have an orgasm, our bodies release several chemicals, including norepinephrine, oxytocin, prolactin, serotonin,and vasopressin. These chemicals are scientifically proven to improve the quality of our sleep. Mind-blowing orgasms are helpful, especially to people who have insomnia.
They are better and safer compared to taking sleeping pills, which often have side effects because they alter how our bodies naturally operate. Sex therapists claim that neurochemicals released when we have an orgasm have sedative effects that make us sleep soundly.
Combatting Stress

A 2000 survey by Planned Parenthood revealed that 40% of 2700 women in the United States admitted to masturbating to relax. During orgasms, our brains release feel-good hormones such as prolactin and serotonin.
These are vital ingredients used by pharmaceuticals to make medical anti-depressants. They have a calming effect on our bodies, which relieves tension, and as a result, we feel relaxed.
A recent study found that when there are low levels of oxytocin in our bloodstreams, we are exposed to anxiety disorders, tension, and high-stress levels. High-stress levels trigger inflammation in conditions such as psoriasis and rosacea.
Stress can also affect organs such as the skin. To keep our bodies in shape, we need to trigger the release of hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin. The most natural and easiest way to do this is by having frequent orgasms.
Orgasms Make Our Skins Glow

One of the benefits of having regular orgasms is that our skin glow. As a result, we look younger, prettier, and healthier. A study done on men and women between the ages of 39 and 49 revealed that those who had frequent and fulfilling sex lives looked younger than those who did not.
Having an orgasm makes our bodies release growth hormones, which make our skins look more elastic. So, the next time you put an expensive or fancy lotion or cream into your shopping cart, also consider having frequent orgasms to maintain your skin.
Orgasms Save Relationships

When couples or sexual partners have more sex, which involves frequent orgasms, they are less likely to cheat because they get what they need from each other; a fulfilling sex life.
Like most animals, when our sexual partners take care of our sexual needs, we are likely to stick with them instead of going out to look for other sexual partners. Although sex does not guarantee that our spouses will be faithful to us, having great sex that involves mind-blowing orgasms satisfies most couples.
Orgasms Increase Intimacy

Oxytocin, which is released when we orgasm, is also called the “cuddle hormone.” When we orgasm, we feel the need to cuddle with our sexual partners. By doing so, we deepen the bond that we have with them, and as a result, the chances of improving the romance in our relationships are a bit higher.
Orgasms Stimulate Our Brains

A sure way of improving blood circulation is by having sex or having an orgasm. Just like when we exercise, when we stimulate ourselves to achieve maximum sexual pleasure, our hearts beat faster. As a result, our blood flows more quickly.
Blood flowing faster within our bodies means that oxygen and nutrients reach our tissues at a faster rate. When nutrients and oxygen reach tissues and organs such as our brains at a faster rate, we become more mentally active because there is stimulation throughout our entire brain.
Orgasms Reduce the Risks of Heart Attacks

During orgasms, our bloodstreams are flooded with various hormones as well as with dehydroepiandrosterone. The latter is a steroid that medical experts attest to its stroke or heart attack reducing capabilities, especially in middle-aged men.
Studies have found that males who have sex that results in orgasms biweekly (twice a week) are less likely to have heart attacks compared to their counterparts who have orgasms less than once each month.
The studies concluded that sexual activities by men seem to have proactive effects on them.
A different study by Howard S. Friedman, an author, looked into the lives of more than 1400 couples for more than 15 years. Although he aimed to figure out how marital satisfaction worked, he discovered that women who had more frequent orgasms lived longer than those who were less sexually satisfied by studying their death certificates.
Orgasms Alleviate Pain

A German higher education institute, the University of Munster, conducted a study in 2013. The study proved that orgasms are excellent in relieving pain from cluster headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, and after-surgery-pain thanks to pain-relieving endorphins and oxytocin released during orgasms.
Orgasms Strengthen Our Immune Systems

Having sex that results in orgasms at least twice a week increases the level of immunoglobulin IgA, or A. immunoglobulin A is an antibody that fights common cold and other infections.
Couples who have sex or masturbate more than four times every month have higher levels of immunoglobulin A in their saliva compared to those who are sexually less active.
NOTE: Immunoglobulin A is highest in those who achieve orgasm more than four times each month, but is lower in those who have no orgasm at all or those who orgasms every day.
Orgasms Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

Men who are over 50 years and middle-aged men who ejaculate frequently have better chances of not falling victim to prostate cancer. British researchers claim that ejaculating at least three times a week reduces a man’s risk of getting prostate cancer by up to 30%.
However, they caution that frequent sexual activities by men between 20 and 30 years can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Orgasms Improve Moods and Reduce Depression

Having an orgasm, especially by women, increases happiness. Orgasms positively affect many hormones, which lead to lighter moods. Gordon Gallup, a psychologist, claims that a hormone present in semen called prostaglandin has an effect in a woman’s moods when it’s absorbed in her genital tract.
More than 25% of the women who participated in his study reported feeling happier compared to participants who did not allow males to ejaculate inside their genital tract.
NOTE: We are not advocating for irresponsible sexual behaviors. You can be more miserable when there is an unplanned pregnancy or when you contract sexually transmitted diseases by engaging in unprotected sex. Only married men who know their status are encouraged to have unprotected sex that leads to orgasms and ejaculation inside their partner’s genital tract.
Orgasms Help in Conception

It goes without saying that when a male achieves orgasm by ejaculating in a healthy female, conception will most likely take place. Orgasms increase uterine contractions. As a result, there is a negative pressure that draws the sperm into the uterus, and fertilization will most likely occur.
Orgasms increase the uterus’ blood flow creating an ideal environment for egg implantation. Studies also show that women who have frequent orgasms, either by themselves or with the help of their partners, will more likely have a successful pregnancy term throughout the 9-months period.
Orgasms Strengthen Our Bodies

Muscle contractions are excellent forms of exercising and strengthening our bodies. Muscle contractions associated with orgasms may help address issues such as incontinence and erection problems.
Kegel exercises are crucial in helping strengthen our body muscles in both males and females. In females, these exercises strengthen their urogenital tract, an aspect that is essential in assisting ease childbirth.
As is evident, orgasms not only make us feel amazing, they also have numerous benefits to our physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. The good thing about having an orgasm is that you do not need the help of another person to reach it; you can reach an orgasm by yourself and still reap the benefits associated with it. In that case, never stop having orgasms!
This article was originally created and published by Leonard Smith on November 19th, 2019, and updated on February 23rd, 2021, to include up-to-date information and insights from experts on the topic.
Tyler J.
January 4, 2020, 9:58 pm
Ok so I'm going to tell my girl now that she's gotta have sex with me because orgasming helps your immune system and keeps you from having heart attacks! hell yea thanks buddy, I'm really showing my girlfriend this article, there are some things we've got to try out....