11 Ways To Know If He’s the One
Whether you are in a relationship with this guy or not, he’s someone you have feelings for. Although the feelings may be strong, how can you tell if he’s “the one”?
There are plenty of different things that guys can do that show that they are the right ones for you. The biggest part of it all is making sure that they treat you the way you desire and deserve to be treated.
How to Know if He’s the One
1. There’s Physical Comfort.
Whether you are just sitting on the couch or getting intimate, you feel fully comfortable around him. He respects your physical boundaries, and you feel safe around him. It is so important that you feel completely comfortable and safe around the man you want to spend your life with.
Especially if touch is a big part of your love language, you’ll want your man to be the type of person who can receive and give that type of love, and always make sure you feel great when it comes to physicality.
2. He Loves You for You.
If you both feel like you can always be yourself around each other, no matter what, he is definitely the one for you. The more you can just accept each other for all of your faults and quirks, the closer you will become.
A guy who supports who you are and doesn’t try to change you will be the right guy to keep in your life. When he loves all of you for who you are, you’ll be able to know that he always will.
3. He Makes Time for You.
When he sets aside time for date nights or just quality time, it is a great way to learn his priorities. Everyone can get busy, but that is no excuse. He needs to make time for you and prioritize your relationship. Even if he only has a short amount of free time, if he chooses to fill that time by talking to you, you’ll know where his heart really is.
The best ways to really bond in a relationship involve quality time, so your person must be willing to spend that time and want to.
4. You Have Fun Together.

This one may seem simple, but it is very important. Do you want to spend your life with someone who never makes you laugh? Hopefully, the answer is no, and you know your worth. A relationship that can stand the test of time can’t be dry and cold. There has to be a passion, and you have to be able to have fun!
He needs to be the guy who can make you laugh and feel happy because of how much you enjoy your time together. If he’s your person, he should be like a best friend to you. Someone that you can tell all of your secrets to and laugh with until your stomach hurts. Great love doesn’t always have to be as serious and deep as your mind may make it.
5. He Shares Mutual Respect With You.
This guy doesn’t treat you like he is above you in any way, and he also doesn’t always put you on a pedestal. If he’s the one, then you’ll both be able to treat each other as equals. Being with someone in the long game requires a partnership that is even and fair. In a healthy relationship, neither is “better than” the other.
6. He Lets You Be Independent.
A guy who is happy with you doing the things that make you happy is one to keep around. Don’t settle for someone who gets jealous when you hang with your girls or insist on going everywhere you go and knowing every move you make. Relationships should still have a healthy amount of freedom and independence. If he can step back and let you be yourself, then he’s something you can know has your best interests at heart.
7. He Listens to You.
A lot of men in the world haven’t always achieved the lesson of learning how to listen. So if you find a guy who listens to what you have to say and holds on to it, hold onto him. Obviously, this seems like a bare minimum, but it is so essential to a long-lasting relationship. You want a guy who is supposed to be interested in you to actually act like he is.
When you talk, he should be keeping eye contact and focusing on what you have to say. He should remember your favorite color and what restaurant you love the most. Those little things add up, and they will show how much someone loves you.
8. He Sticks Around for the Good and Bad.

Of course, you want to be with someone at the best moments of your life and to have someone to share those highs with. But if they stick around for the darker moments, that is what really counts. Whether you struggle with your family, mental health, drama, or anything else, he should be there for you.
Maybe he isn’t great at advice, but he should still put the effort in to help you through the tough moments in your life. A partner needs to be someone who has got your back at all times, no matter what.
9. He Sets Boundaries for Himself.
A guy who knows what he wants and what is best for himself can prove to be helpful in a relationship. Some guys let people walk all over them and then grow bitter towards that person.
Someone who can set healthy boundaries and stand up for what they want can be a great thing. This way, you’ve got someone fighting for your relationship by making sure both of your boundaries are being followed and taken care of.
10. He Fits What You Want in a Life Partner.
Your man doesn’t necessarily have to check off every box you made when creating the characteristics of a perfect partner, but he needs to check off some. You don’t want to end up with someone who doesn’t fulfill any of your dreams.
He doesn’t have to be your exact type, but you must be getting what you want out of this relationship. He should be doing the things that make you feel special and loved.
11. He Includes You in His Future.
If he tells you about all of his future plans and makes sure that you and your desires are included in them, he’s in it for the long run, and you should be too. It is important, though, if he discusses your joined future, that he leaves space open for your wants for the future as well. And if it seems like he says “I don’t know” more often than not, he may not be the person you want to plan your future with. Don’t waste your time with someone who can’t figure out what they want.
The Takeaway.
People can change at any moment, and it isn’t always easy to determine whether or not someone is “the one” for you. But over time, you will learn more about this guy to decide whether or not he will be around for good. Guard your heart, but don’t forget to give things a chance. You may never know just how perfect someone is for you until you open up.
Hopefully, as you’ve read this, your guy has fit every single one of these reasons. If he has not, then I hope you can find the right man for yourself. You are worth so much, and you deserve to be with someone who values you the way you should be valued. Sometimes, it is important to take a moment and reevaluate where you and your partner are at and whether or not it is working out the way you both want.
There is no harm in being alone for a while, either. Sometimes being single is the best way to get to know and love yourself. You don’t have to be with someone else at all times, especially if you are searching for a life partner.
Often, the right person will find you when you least expect it. The more you search for that special someone, the more you may get caught up in needing to be with someone else just to be happy. And if you are with someone, just make sure that they fill in your needs and show up when it matters.
You’ll meet many people who you will hope are “the one” for you in life. You may find them right away, or perhaps it will take a bit of time. Try to stay patient and positive, because you never know when you’ll find your person.
This article was written and published by Lucas Rodriguez on November 16th, 2021 and includes relevant insights from experts on the topic and updated information.